
B2B prospecting agency

First, let's clarify a few points:

  • Sales prospecting is a profession in its own right.
  • You won't trust a service provider to outsource your prospecting if they don't demonstrate their mastery of the subject.
  • But to master a subject, you need experience and dedicated human and technical resources.

If you share these convictions, we're bound to work together!

At OMYOS, we firmly believe that prospecting is a profession and an art that not everyone can master. 

If you leave your prospecting to chance, you won't get far.
Entrust your B2B prospecting to us!


How do you find your B2B customers?

Once you've identified your ideal customer or "Ideal Customer Profile", the next step is to build a well-crafted sales prospecting plan. It incorporates your resources, your objectives and the constraints of your market, the channels and tools to be used, and so on. In short, it's a real headache if you don't know how to coordinate all these elements. This is whereoutsource this task (link to Our offers subpage) will do you a world of good.

There is a wide range of channels for obtaining qualified leads and appointments. Selecting the ones best suited to your business and target customers requires expertise that only a prospecting agency like ours can provide. 

Where to find B2B customers?

Did you know that you can use a variety of channels to reach your prospects?

1. Face-to-face :

  • Trade shows: Inaccessible during Covid-19, they've returned to prominence. A study of B2B marketers shows that face-to-face events are the channel that produced the best business results during 2022, well ahead of other marketing content formats. Don't miss out!
  • Business networks: This potential prospecting channel comes in a variety of formats: associative networks (alumni, CJD, etc.), thematic networks (DCF, ARSEG, etc.), purely business networks (BNI, Chinese Business Club, etc.). Before you join, make sure your target audience is there. As a member, be generous and try to give before you receive. The more you do, the greater the return on your involvement.

2. Remote :

  • Telephone prospecting : This is the oldest method of prospecting. It consists of deploying sales techniques to reach a target of prospects previously identified in a file.
    Two key figures to be aware of: a company makes around 52 calls a day. Only 45% of these result in a purchase. More than 81% of these purchases are made after the 5th phone call (Hubspot 2022 figures).
  • Emailing: Involves sending promotional emails to a large list of contacts (customers, prospects...) for prospecting, loyalty-building or simply information purposes. Email campaigns are an essential channel for generating sales or acquiring customers. Telephone follow-up is always recommended.  
  • Webinars: Webikeo - a SaaS webinar platform - defines a webinar as: "an online conference, offered through a software or platform, with a variety of objectives (lead generation, lead nurturing, product or service demonstration, etc.)."
    This format exploded during the Covid period and continues to win the confidence of B2B sales and marketing specialists, as this infographic shows.
  • Inbound marketing: refers to a marketing approach that brings customers to you, rather than going out to find them as in traditional forms. The success of this approach is based on a robust and consistent content strategy.
  • Social Selling: This is a technique that aims to reach prospects on the social networks where they are connected. In our case, the social network in question is LinkedIn. The aim of Social Selling is to prospect in a carefully thought-out and well-constructed way, in order to create interactions, engage discussions and generate leads.

What is themulti-channel approach?

Multichannel is a marketing approach in which a company communicates and sells through a number of distinct interactive channels. This applies perfectly to prospecting, which rightly benefits from the panoply of possibilities offered by digitalization. Now, more than ever, the company has numerous physical and digital contact points at its disposal to reach its target audience.


How to succeed in sales prospecting?

Successful sales prospecting is synonymous with meticulous preparation. Keep in mind these 5 golden rules for successful prospecting and selling.

1. Identify your target with a qualified contact database:

There are two possible scenarios:

  • You don't yet have a database in place: you can create one! Compile in a single file all the people you've come into contact with (LinkedIn contacts, interactions with your online content, professional meetings, former customers, etc.).
  •  Your database exists: Bravo! Keep it up to date and add to it (new contacts to add, priority leads to reach, people to follow up). 

2. Define the right channels to reach your target

Is your prospect list ready? Now it's time to go out and conquer them. Define your preferred channel or channels for approaching them. This can be done by telephone prospecting, e-mail or the use of digital tools and sales intelligence solutions that salespeople love.  

3. Work on your message 

To grab your prospect's attention, your campaign message needs to be punchy and prospect-centric. Empathize and talk benefits rather than features.

You'll only win someone's attention if you talk to them about a problem that's bothering them and that they need to find a solution to quickly. In short, know your ideal customer (ICP) inside out, and use that knowledge coupled with copywriting to deliver the message they want to hear/read.

4. Know when and how to close

Have you been able to secure meetings in your agenda ? Congratulations, you've taken a big step towards success. But be careful! Don't be impatient, and don't rush things before closing the deal. You risk losing it. Make sure that your teams are trained in sales techniques and that your sales people are able to spot the signs of weariness and respond to the prospect's objections.  

5. Don't neglect customer loyalty.

In fact, recruiting a new customer would cost you 5 to 10 times more than retaining one. By retaining your customers, you benefit from a higher level of commitment, and therefore an easier transition to purchase. 

Listen to your customers, offer them special deals, show them you're still interested in them. They'll love you for it. 

Does all this seem complicated, outside your core business or simply time-consuming? Get help from experts in sales prospecting.


Why entrust your sales prospecting to us?

I don't have the time

Prospecting takes up a lot of your sales team's time (lead targeting, initial contact, multi-channel approaches, meetings, follow-ups, etc.). You need to spare time to close deals.

Unsatisfactory results

Prospecting is an art that requires method and expertise. There's nothing more frustrating than contacting dozens of prospects... without getting a single return!

I don't like to do it

Too many rejections can undermine your confidence. Prospecting requires a lot of energy and must be done with desire to obtain results.

I need new customers

Acquiring new customers is an opportunity to generate additional profits for your organization. In addition to your existing customers, these are financial opportunities not to be overlooked.

I don't know how to do it

Between technique and technology, a high level of expertise is required for effective prospecting.

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Don't leave your prospecting to chance

We are a BtoB sales prospecting agency with a multi-channel, personalized approach.

We find prospects and generate appointments for companies that don't have the time, resources or expertise to do so.

How We Work

Don't leave your prospecting to chance.

We are a BtoB sales prospecting agency with a multi-channel, personalized approach.

We find prospects and generate appointments for companies that don't have the time, resources or expertise to do so.

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A project to launch

Free yourself from prospecting
and focus on deal closing !

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